Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
ZSMPhU provides higher medical education for Specialist's, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, as well as postgraduate training in internship, mastership, postgraduate study, residency, and refresher courses for physicians and pharmacists.
AMA-ZSMPhU medical campus’s MD program graduates have the opportunity to take US medical license & work in the USA or can take a license & work in any EU country, including the UK or anywhere in the world.
ZSMPhU provides higher medical education for Specialist's, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, as well as postgraduate training in internship, mastership, postgraduate study, residency, and refresher courses for physicians and pharmacists.
AMA-ZSMPhU medical campus’s MD program graduates have the opportunity to take US medical license & work in the USA or can take a license & work in any EU country, including the UK or anywhere in the world.
E-library. All students will receive a free laptop with State-of-the-Art educational software to study, take exams and do training, and more; also available medical library facilities during the study period.
USMLE PREP COURSES - Students will receive training from the US professors during the 4th & 6th year's program; also available advanced 4 months of optional USMLE training in the USA, for those candidates wishing to take the US medical license and practice in the USA, after graduation. (Some conditions would apply for the US training).

Indian students “1st to 6th years” have the option to do 4 weeks of clinical observation with some major Indian hospitals during summer break with no additional fee. Also, Indian students get special MCI exam preparation training (online Classes on every week end and physical classes during students’ vacation/ observer-ship period at Indian Hospital, on every year for 4 weeks will be conducted for concerned year students on the subjects allotted to them.), with no additional fee, for those candidates wishing to take an Indian license and practice in India, after graduation.
AMA-ZSMPhU Medical campus students do the required clinical and practical training at AMA’s partner Polish teaching and non-teaching Polish hospitals during the study period. Further, AMA-ZSMPhU Medical Campus students have the opportunity to attend the study tour pro-am with the faculty member to visit multiple teaching hospitals in the Western Europe, UK, USA and Canada and some EU countries, with no additional fee.
The AMA-ZSMPhU medical campus is managed and administered by AMA’s 100% subsidiary Polish organization “American Medical Academy Poland z.o.o. (AMA Poland z.o.o.)” and AMA’s specialists with the cooperation and participation of ZSMPhU’s Polish team.
More information about cooperation you can find here.

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+48 698 362 412
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Visit our Location
Częstochowa, Poland